Jay and I have so much to be thankful for this year, that it's hard not to be overwhelmed with emotion just thinking of all the many blessings God has given. We are all so blessed with a loving and forgiving Father, who selflessly gave his own Son, so that we and our own sons can live...that is the ultimate definition of love. I never really knew depth of sacrifice this was until I became a mother. Now, the thought of having to give up my own son's precious life, so that a sinful nation could be free really puts things into perspective. I am thankful for a wonderful and loving husband, who loves me and William more than anything in the world. I am thankful for a perfect child, who has absolutely been the light and the joy of our lives. I am thankful for a job, and warm home to come home to, and for loving parents who taught me the values of God and family. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!

Such a sweet post!