Things he's doing lately...he LOVES standing on his own while holding onto anything (widow seals, tables, chairs, his bed, his name it he'll onto it and stand). He's not quite pulling up yet, he wants you to do the work, but he'll stand as long as you let him. He's eating finger foods now. He loves puffs, yogurt melts, biter biscuits and juice. He's not quite feeding himself yet, but I think it's more of wanting us to do it rather than him not being able to do it. No teeth yet...still waiting. He gets around by creeping on his belly and scooting...hasn't really shown an interest in crawling, but he gets where he wants to go. Loves Loves Loves his walker, and can maneuver just about anywhere in it. He's getting more hair, but it's still not much to brag about. He sleeps 12 hrs straight through the night, but is still not much of a napper..oh well, I'll take it! Loves his mama, daddy, and the dogs very much, and loves giving big sloppy kisses to show it! Here are a couple of pics I took yesterday with his wagon. They're not too good, but he wasn't much in a smiling mood and I was trying to hurry in case he got a little wobbly.